
作者: 飘落云边的雨    时间: 昨天 18:35
US should ‘steal’ China’s best AI talent to keep pace, Senate hears
Talk of luring engineers follows mainland start-up DeepSeek’s emergence and ensuing shock waves felt by major American tech firms

The US should welcome China’s best scientific minds into its universities to compete with the mainland’s success in AI, American lawmakers in Washington heard on Thursday, as Chinese start-up DeepSeek unnerved the global tech market this week.
“Let’s steal their best engineers,” said Melanie Hart of the Washington-based Atlantic Council at a hearing convened by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Referencing the Chinese talent behind DeepSeek’s AI models, Hart testified that “we’d be better off if the engineers behind that were working here in the US”.

To achieve that, she continued, students from the mainland would need to feel safe in America, adding: “We can beat Beijing at making Chinese scientists feel safe.”

作者: 飘落云边的雨    时间: 昨天 18:38
难怪昨天涮到 美国有人邀请梁文锋去美国交流
作者: ws65536    时间: 昨天 18:43
有说ai就是内地华人和美籍华人之间的内部竞争 技术力其实都差不多 拼的是资源整合调度 和领头的大腿
作者: 飘落云边的雨    时间: 昨天 18:47
ws65536 发表于 2025-1-31 18:43
有说ai就是内地华人和美籍华人之间的内部竞争 技术力其实都差不多 拼的是资源整合调度 和领头的大腿 ...
国际奥数 比赛,美国大部分都是华人代表
作者: 路过洛阳沙漠    时间: 昨天 18:50
本帖最后由 路过洛阳沙漠 于 2025-1-31 18:53 编辑

特朗普: 没有什么比我更懂移民政策。

红脖子高举唐探 1900 的牌子: No cheap china labour .

马斯克作为吕不韦,东厂,李斯的集大成者,在 X 上大开杀戒,敲碎键盘,写下美国版的谏逐客书,大战红脖子党。
作者: 三两碎银    时间: 昨天 19:35
路过洛阳沙漠 发表于 2025-1-31 18:50
特朗普: 没有什么比我更懂移民政策。

红脖子高举唐探 1900 的牌子: No cheap china labour .



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